“Huge ah-ha moments and breakthroughs”

Kimberly provided an amazing experience for our clients during a three-day virtual retreat in June, 2020.  Her content fit right into the theme of the work we had planned  and she was so easy to work with. Our clients reported huge ah-ha moments and breakthroughs upon experiencing her hour-long session. I highly recommend Kimberley!

Kimberley Elliott

I’m Kimberley Elliott, empowerment coach and growth catalyst for unique leaders who are facing exhaustion and self-doubt. You may be struggling to “get it right” or “be enough”. You may also find yourself “holding back” or “over doing” to fit in. You know who you are, the one who has kept your unique, creative genius somewhat hidden in your leadership - and that impacts your well-being!


“Connect more with my joyful self”


“I now trust my choices”