I believe you matter.
Your uniqueness matters.
Your true leadership expression is distinct, unlike any other. And that expression is essential for your empowerment and to live your leadership with genuine gusto and service. Bringing on an experienced ally can assist in boosting awareness and momentum as you walk the path of authenticity and wellness.
Let your freak flag fly!
My Unique
Leadership Wellness™
What is Embodiment?
Embodiment brings the full expression and resonance of your originality to your leadership!
Embodiment Coaching
You have the answers within to create your empowered leadership journey. Embodiment coaching offers an innovative approach to identify your unhelpful patterns while exploring alternatives for recovering back to your uniqueness. The more embodied you are, the greater the connection you have to your body wisdom and healthy leadership power. Embodied leaders demonstrate increased presence and adaptability - two valuable superpowers in today’s modern world. Embodiment is our gateway for exploring and evolving, the wonderfully weird leader in you.
Empower your leadership
Leadership Wellness™ Framework
In our chaotic and stressful world, Leadership Wellness™ offers new possibilities for you as a leader. Grounded in embodiment, the Leadership Wellness™ Framework provides a simple, flexible map for evolving your distinct expression of leading well from the inside out. The map includes a wellness cycle for mastering well-being skills and building leadership traits. There are also four cornerstones that improve your leadership presence while opening the space for connection and innovation. Activate the framework in your leadership journey to create new habits, stretch your comfort zone, and make better choices.
Self-Leadership Check-in
Living a full life on your terms takes vision and discipline. Today’s ever-changing world can be overwhelming, over-demanding, and overtaxing on your body, mind, and spirit. You have likely maintained some resilience.
Ask yourself, do you sometimes…
Overextend yourself with busyness and feel drained of energy and focus…
when what you really want is to feel the vitality and ease of leading authentically with passion.
Get caught in the mind traps of your inner saboteurs, resorting to self-doubt and sabotage…
when what you really desire is to increase your confidence so you can lead well and build an authentic leadership legacy.
Experience an ever-growing tension and angst that has begun to impact your physical wellness and clarity…
when what you really yearn for is a sense of spaciousness where peace and well-being can flourish.
Let’s get started!
Create Your World
You are in charge! The path forward starts with your embodiment. It may feel daunting or even disorienting to begin. That’s OK. You will have an ally with you every step of the way.
That’s where I come in!
I’m a late bloomer, creative healer, and wonderfully weird leader.
I help leaders who are uniquely different, own their originality, and lead from embodied, well-being.
What am I really longing for?
Where am I hiding?
Where am I pushing?
If I continue my current patterns, what’s the impact?
Schedule a complimentary consultation.
My Embodied Leadership Business
Since 2003, I have designed my business to support and evolve embodied Leadership Wellness™ – the holistic approach to creating a stronger connection to your body and what you stand for, so you can consciously create your leadership journey with inspiration and grace.
The 7 Principles and the Leadership Wellness™ framework are structures I have created to reinforce your exploration, learning, and development. Our engagement is driven by your unique essence along with your leadership desires.
I’ll teach you how to activate your wellness cycle and own your originality. We’ll identify, explore and interrupt destructive patterns that no longer serve. You’ll also learn strategies for recovering back to your center and develop Leadership Wellness™ habits - so you can be embodied, resilient and bold.
My Wild, Weird Journey
Choosing Leadership Wellness™ moved me out of insufferable hiding and into a freer lifestyle guided by the inspiration of my inner leader!
I’ve stopped giving a S#%* about pleasing others for the sake of their comfort, over-doing to feel worthy, or toning it down to be accepted (and loved).
I care much more about relaxing in my body (and the garden), creating from spaciousness, and being authentic in how I show up and connect with others.
Let’s get real! I’ve spent a lot of my past in the destruction cycles of my own mis-guided leadership. Some unhelpful beliefs formed in my early days that shaped nearly three decades of my existence – and suffering.

So, I developed habits of moving quickly with a lot of grasping to hold on to what I thought would bring me happiness, but mostly delivered disappointment. I also leaned into emotional overwhelm (read: chronic nervous system trauma), resisted my inner wisdom, and then used numbing as a coping strategy. Emotions became my decision-making compass (instead of values) and a harsh inner mean girl critic set up an internal battlefield of daily torment and insecurity.
My embodied patterns led to an exhausting and limited path of choosing conformity for ease and busyness for praise.
I am officially over it! Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of progress, collaboration, and accomplishment. Especially when it comes to delivering on my promises and raising the bar on leadership. That doesn’t mean that stressing my system for outside acceptance is cool, kind, or helpful.
Here’s the thing, unhelpful patterns can be difficult to break - especially when they are unconscious. And over time, their damage can literally take a person down. That’s what happened to me!

My Creds
Professional Certified Coach (PCC), (International Coach Federation), I have over 1000 hours of coaching experience
Graduate of Embodiment Unlimited, I am certified as an Embodiment Coach and Embodied Meditation facilitator
Certified in Organizational Change Management (Prosci)
Advanced Community Resilience, I am trained to facilitate small groups recovering from trauma (The Center for Mind-Body Medicine)
Graduate of Co-Active Leadership year-long (Co-Active Training Institute)
Certified to conduct assessments and leadership coaching (Shift+360)
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), (Co-Active Training Institute)
Masters in Creation Spirituality, completed my thesis on Creativity and Compassionate Leadership (Naropa University)
NIA certified (Brown Belt), I have been teaching embodied movement group classes and workshops since 2006, (The Nia Technique)
Mentoring with Mark Walsh (Embodiment Unlimited)
Courage to Lead, Women’s Leadership (Embodiment Unlimited)
Mental Health Coaching, (Lyra)
Empathy is Your Superpower, difficult conversations (The Dialogue Company)
Search Inside Yourself, emotional intelligence training (Google Leadership Institute)
Managing the Bossy Brain, neuroscience training (Be Above Leadership)
I love building and being part of community. You can often find me at Stinson Beach, boogie boarding with my San Francisco Bay Area sisters or hosting intimate dinner parties with friends in my Mill Valley home.
One of my favorite flowers is gardenia. Its fragrance always takes me back to deeply connected conversations and the sharing of unconditional love with my grandmother in her garden.
Lifetime curator of mindful, creative adventures – hopping river rocks, building nature mandalas, mountain hiking, art collage and performance, international travel, and 25 years of yoga practice.
My happy place is the Yuba River where the rocks are warm and smooth, and the water is crystal blue. A place where my body remembers that floating is a gateway to healing.
I fell in love with Hawaii while gigging as an assistant chef at a self-development retreat. During the day, I swam with dolphins in the wild – a spiritual experience that brought me embodied peace and opened a lens of wonder around the mysteries of our universe!

And finally, my full heart gratitude to the teachers and organizations who have lovingly created such deep impact that their teachings and influence are woven into my work: Karen & Henry Kimsey-House (Co-Active Training Institute), James S. Gordon (Center for Mind Body Medicine), Richard Strozzi-Heckler (Strozzi Institute), Staci Haines (Generative Somatics), Patricia Aguirre & Karin van Maanen (Embodiment Bad Asses), Wendy Palmer (Leadership Embodiment), Matthew Fox (Creation Spirituality), Debi and Carlos Rosas (The Nia Technique), my wildly creative women allies (Sisterhood of the Rose), and my CTI Leadership Community (The Praying Manti) who remind me that being in the goo is part of the process and spreading my wings is always a choice.
Let’s raise the bar on your well-being and your leadership!
Global healing through Leadership Wellness™
I support unique leaders to be embodied for the sake of creating safety, belonging & connection.
Creativity. Empowerment.
Slow down.
Be embodied.
Lead well.